Welcome to ifempower's toolkit. This online platform was created to promote women in entrepreneurship and innovation in entrepreneurial ability, work from a practical and innovative approach and help in the development of entrepreneurship ability through a modelled projects simulator with real situations that occur in different enterprises scenarios.
This toolkit was developed as a complementary support tool of the personal support points developed by the project and enable visitors to find good practices or specific suggestions to their specific problems.
As it is online and free of charge, it can help female students or women in general who are interested in creating their own business in the EU in various ways, including legislative, administrative, managerial, or personal issues which are based on stakeholder interviews, practical, real-life challenges of female entrepreneurs.
We hope you will enjoy your learning.
The iFempower Team
The Online Educational Platform was developed within the Intellectual Output titled ‘ifempower online toolkit ‘coordinated by Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (PT).
Inputs were provided by the following persons: Nieves García Pereira from Andalucía Emprende Foundation (ES), Kári Joensen from Bifröst University (IS), Nándor Petrovics from Corvinus University of Budapest, Virág Zsár from Hétfa Research Institute (HU), Santiago Reyes from ONECO Consulting (ES), Orsolya Gergely from Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (RO), and Roxana Boboruta, Jürgen Raizner from Steinbeis GmbH (DE).